Friday, December 27, 2013

Detoxing After a Trip

We love cheese. 

We don't use cheese or other dairy while we are at home. 

When we travel, we eat cheese...sometimes a lot of it.

This Christmas vacation we had our fair share of cheese.  My favorite veggie sandwich from a bakery called Simply Divine in Logan owned by a Belgian man.  With radishes, spinach, carrots, jalapeno jelly, olives, onions and cheese, it is wonderful!  Pizza, mashed potatoes full of yummy cream cheese, 7 layer dip, soft cheese balls, more veggie sandwiches, treats...the list goes on.

Anyway, as you can see, we do "splurge" while on vacation.  By the time we go home we are more than ready to eat normally again and our bodies are done with the stress (aka bloating).

Here is how I detox my family.  It differs in the summer slightly-keep in mind I have a 3yr old, 2 yr old, a 28yr old, and I am nursing-so a full out detox is only available for one person in the house, and I just don't take the extra time for him, so he does what we do...for the most part:

*A day of rest. No school, no major cleaning.  Laundry, books, preparing and eating better food and sleep.
*Spinach (or any green your body can handle) smoothie
*Light breakfast (usually for us that is toast)
*Raspberry tea-for everyone (except the nursing baby who gets the benefits from my milk)
*Hearty bean soup for lunch (onions, spinach/kale, beans, tomatoes, potatoes, some spice and veg broth)
*Healthy dinner

J also drinks some Yogi peach detox tea, or stress relief tea. 

When we get home and get back into our regular routine, everyone's bodies respond pretty quickly and we are back to normal in a few days. 

If you need a more intense detox, see Dr. Christopher's 3-Day-Cleanse. 

Asleep (and sick!) after a full week of eating:

Sunday, December 15, 2013

The Children

Matthew 19:14 "But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven."

Matthew 18:3 "And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven."

Mosiah 3: 16-19 " And even if it were possible that little children could sin they could not be saved; but I say unto you they are blessed; for behold, as in Adam, or by nature, they fall, even so the blood of Christ atoneth for their sins. And moreover, I say unto you, that there shall be no other name given nor any other way nor means whereby salvation can come unto the children of men, only in and through the name of Christ, the Lord Omnipotent. For behold he judgeth, and his judgment is just; and the infant perisheth not that dieth in his infancy; but men drink damnation to their own souls except they humble themselves and become as little children, and believe that salvation was, and is, and is to come, in and through the atoning blood of Christ, the Lord Omnipotent. For the natural man is an enemy to God, and has been from the fall of Adam, and will be, forever and ever, unless he yields to the enticings of the Holy Spirit, and putteth off the natural man and becometh a saint through the atonement of Christ the Lord, and becometh as a child, submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him, even as a child doth submit to his father."

My children are forever teaching me the importance and truthfulness of these scriptures.  They forgive me daily (if not hourly, somedays) and are patient in their attempts at trying new things and in waiting for me to become a better mother.  Their innocence and faith inspires me to try harder...and to yell less.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Preschool at Home

I need to come up with a new term.  Rico isn't doing preschool, because we don't plan to send him to a school.  So, do I just say homeschool? 

Anyway, we started homeschooling in September.  I got excited about it because Adrienne mentioned she was going to start and I realized I wanted to be in the habit before the baby came.  This turned out to be a smart move.  Although we are taking things slowly since Little Miss was born, Rico is constantly asking if we will be doing school.  It's nice that he WANTS to do school and he is also always asking what we will be learning next.  

So far we have learned (and I do me we because I have re-learned almost everything besides the name of the Earth... Ok, slight exaggeration,  but only slight):
The continents, the oceans,  land vs water, vegetation - trees-shrubs-flowers, people of different cultures including - Guatemala - France - Australia, rockets, satellites, planets, stars, sun/time, moon and now we are on the human body and we are starting with our bones. 

Keep in mind,  he is only three and a half and the lessons can only be so deep.   Right now he loves memorization games/songs and he loves pictures and art.  He also loves sensorial activities. 

With a new baby,  there is only so much I can handle and at this stage her needs change quickly every day so our main focus is bonding and taking care of her. 


Since there are two of your who read the there anything you would like me to post about?  Questions you want direction on?

Monday, November 18, 2013

The Birth of Little Miss

Her birth was wonderful.  It was the most relaxing and calm labor and birth I've had so far. Please note that I did not say least painful or shortest. 

I had contractions for a couple of weeks leading up to her birth.  They were sporadic and didn't ever get progressively closer or longer.  I was pretty tired after a couple of near sleepless nights.  We went to the pumpkin patch and when we got there I thought how funny it would be if we rode in the tractor that pulled you to the patch and I went into labor.  That is exactly what happened.  All the bumps triggered something in her and she decided it was time to come out. 

They were so mild that I didn't pay too close attention to them.  When I called J on the way home to tell him he dismissed it.  It had happened too many times before.  I ended up on the phone while the boys napped that afternoon and so I didn't get a chance to nap. 

J had piano that night and after we hung out and I think we may have watched something but now I don't remember.  I was hoping that if it was really labor that I would be able to sleep until about one and then wake up and have her about 6.  Not too much to hope for.

I did wake up at 1 and noticed they were still there but was able to go back to sleep until about 2:30.  I laid in bed for a little bit then I decided that I could either get up and see if movement would stop them or speed them up.  If they stopped, I could go back to sleep.  If they sped up I could have her soon!

I walked around our room for awhile and then decided to walk up and down our stairs a few times (I wasn't counting--it seemed like a lot of times).  Then I walked around the living room and sang hymns while keeping and eye on the clock to time them.  They were coming about every 5 minutes.  I assumed this was the real thing and at about 4 I woke J up.  He was really excited.  We decided that the boys should probably leave because I wasn't sure how much longer I would be in labor.  Dad and Donna came over quickly and got the boys.  Deddy and Dad fell back asleep until 8.  Rico laid awake and eventually Donna decided it would be easier to just get up with him.  They ended up having a really fun day together and it was nice to focus on the new baby for a few hours.

The contractions stayed between 3 and 5 minutes and I asked J to stop telling me when they were coming because I didn't want to focus on that anymore.  Best thing I could have done!  Usually contractions continuously speed up and get longer.  These never did.  Once I reached the 3-5 minute mark, they stayed like that for the rest of the labor.  Really weird.  I'm glad I didn't watch the clock and I'm glad J never told me--I would have felt so discouraged. 

I labored in the bath for a little bit and that was nice but not the best place for me.  I laid against Jo for some pretty tough contractions and I think feeling his calmness helped me feel calmer.  It was also nice to sleep while resting against him.  Eventually I ended up standing beside the bed leaning over onto a pile of pillows while swaying my hips.  This was where I was for most of the rest of the labor.  J continuously put hot cloths on my back and that felt amazing.  He does so well with me during labor.  He does everything that I ask him to do and his presence is so calming. 

During transition I cried.  I did that with Deddy's birth.  I just cried to cry.  I couldn't tell where the tears were coming from but I kept hearing that it was transition and I was almost done.  I also had a very distinct thought that all the pain I was experiencing was completely worth it to bring one of Heavenly Father's daughters to the Earth.  There was no other person who would bring her to Earth and I know that it was part of the plan Heavenly Father has for me to raise her as my daughter and to provide a body for her.  I also had the very strong thought that Christ went through the atonement for me.  Not just for me, but for everyone.  But during labor, knowing that he thought that I was worth any pain and suffering was very consoling.  It made me feel loved and deeply grateful for His sacrifice and for the Plan of Salvation.

I moved to the end of the bed.  We had a shower curtain laid on the ground and I felt like I needed to lift my leg up and rest it on the bed during a couple of contractions.  I did that and then my water broke.  I felt like my body was starting to push and I had wanted to let it do it on its own until her head was out.  After a few small pushes during contractions I sat on the ground with my arms behind me and gave a push.  J said he could see her head and I asked if it would be out on the next one.  He answered no but that he could see it and that was a good sign!  I had the thought "her head will be out on the next one."  We waited and then during the next contraction I pushed her head out.  Right before the last contraction I felt her body rotate and I pushed her out.  At 10:02am she slid fast into J's hands and he handed her to me.  There was a very strong spirit in the room and we were both so happy she was safely here.  J gave her a blessing and that moment bonded us.  She started nursing immediately and about 40 minutes later my placenta delivered. 

Each time I give birth I receive a greater understanding of Heavenly Father's Plan for us.  I have been blessed to take part three times in creating bodies for his spirit children.  It is my privilege and responsibility to take care of them.  I also gain a greater understanding of the Atonement and of my worth to our Heavenly Parents.  I love the sealing covenant that J and I agreed to in the temple and I love the knowledge  that our sweet babies are sealed to us for time and all eternity.  They will be our children forever and our family can never be broken if we continue to keep our covenants. 

Linda K. Burton, Relief Society General President stated in this last conference, "Why was the Savior willing to keep His covenant with the Father and fulfill His divine mission to atone for the sins of the world?  It was His love for His Father and His love for us.  Why was the Father willing to allow His Only Begotten and perfect Son to suffer pain beyond description to bear the sins, heartaches, sicknesses, and infirmities of the world and all that is unfair in this life?  We find the answer in these words: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son.”
'If we fully appreciated the many blessings which are ours through the redemption made for us, there is nothing that the Lord could ask of us that we would not anxiously and willingly do.'  According to this statement by President Joseph Fielding Smith, covenant keeping is one way to express our love for the incomprehensible, infinite Atonement of our Savior and Redeemer and the perfect love of our Father in Heaven."

We felt led to this birth by Heavenly Father.  We were helped through it because of the Atonement.  We followed very direct personal revelation and we have been blessed.

6lb 12oz 19 1/2 inches
Total Labor: 24 hours
Pushing time: 3 Pushes

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

General Conference

This is the time of year that I always look forward to. We get to spend the weekend as a family listening to the prophet and other leaders of the church (including apostles, seventies, and the women leaders in the church).Yes, we do have a living prophet on the Earth today!

It is a time to renew our commitment to Christ and to find answers to questions that have been plaguing us for the past 6 months.  I always love conference and this year Rico is old enough to somewhat pay attention to it. We are going to have pictures of the leaders and different activities or treats for each speaker. We are also thinking of having key words for each session (such as Jesus, Holy Ghost, President Monson, etc) and if Rico hears the word he can get a special treat. Anyway, the possibilities are numerous and I'm excited to make conference fun for him.  I'm also excited to feel calm and be directed for the next 6 months.

Conference should be broadcast on one of the regular television channels. The sessions are Saturday and Sunday from 10am-12pm and 2pm-4pm.  You can also listen and watch it live here in 16 different languages:

If you miss it, you can watch it later or read the talks!

Concentrating with Scissors

I have been wanting to let Rico use scissors for awhile now but time is passing by quickly and getting filled with other things. This morning the opportunity arose and we went for it. I think a couple of more times of practicing and he will do great; not that he did badly this time.  I was reading about allowing the child to concentrate and to not interrupt, which was a reminder i needed.

Friday, February 8, 2013

What's Your Herb?

I think that everyone (probably) has a "sister/brother" herb.  What I mean is this:  that there is an herb that was meant for your body.  Maybe it "speaks" to you in a way. 

I don't hear my herbs talking to me.  But I do feel a closeness/greater appreciation for a few herbs in particular.  Comfrey, yarrow, mint but my favorite by far is red raspberry leaf.

This is a wonderful woman's herb.  It tones the uterus, helps to regulate hormones, cleans your blood, is anti-viral and anti-bacterial, and prepares your body for a baby.  I have also read that it can help prevent miscarriage and prepare your body to get pregnant.  It gives menstrual support and also helps with menstrual cramps.  It gives the body much needed iron (in the assimilable form).  It also has a lot of calcium.  It tastes almost exactly like black tea.  This could be part of the reason that I love it SO MUCH.  Since joining the church I haven't had any tea, but once I tasted real raspberry leaf tea, I haven't gone back.  I drink about a quart a day during pregnancy.  And I try to drink a couple of quarts per week while not pregnant to support my milk supply but also just to give myself extra help.  This tea has also been said to help with stretch marks.  My boys drink this early on in life (about a year old) and love to drink this tea.  I think because it is stronger than other herbs (chamomile, etc) the other teas are even easier for them to like.  Please do not confuse raspberry leaf tea with raspberry zinger tea.  NOT the same thing. 

This is not just a woman's herb!  It can help regulate men's hormones.  You read that right!  It also helps during colds and flus.  When you are sick and don't want to eat, go on a raspberry tea "diet" and your cold (I believe) will be shortened dramatically.  Upset stomach?  Raspberry tea.  Canker sores?  Raspberry tea.  Morning Sickness?  Raspberry tea.  Diahrrea?  Raspberry tea.  Inflammation? Raspberry tea.

Do you see where I'm going with this?  This herb is so incredible.  I have read that it can help expel mucus in respiratory illnesses.  Help fevers, sore goes on and on!

To deny that herbs and flowers are only for food or for looks is denying what Heavenly Father and Mother have given us on this earth.  I DO believe that the Lord has given us what we need to heal ourselves on the Earth.  (Yes, I do think the medical establishment was inspired in some procedures)  I think on the whole,  the Earth can more than provide for the health of our families. 

Do you feel like you have an herb that seems to "call" to you?  One that you use more than others?  Why?  If you don't know, I suggest praying.  Each time I need to use an herb, prayer seems to help me decide if I am choosing the correct herb.  And, hopefully this is obvious, I always re-read uses of the herbs before using them.